Common myths of therapy and why Solution Focused Therapy might be right for you

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1: It takes a long time

In solution-focused work, you start to see results relatively quickly, often within a few weeks. This is why Solution-Focused Therapy is also known as Brief therapy. 

 However, achieving meaningful progress takes some time. That's why I don't offer one-off sessions for people to 'try it out.' Instead, I offer an 8-week program. Based on my experience, most clients need between 4 to 12 sessions, and the 8-week timeframe is optimal for making significant changes.

 2: you must find the root of the problem

 Absolutely not! You have been dwelling on your problem for so long—why would I let you sink any deeper trying to find out why you feel the way you do?

 Most of the time we know what the root cause was, and we can’t change the past. So why not start to try and change the future and start looking for the solutions.

 3: You will need time afterwards to reflect and process

 Not at all. At the end of our sessions, you will feel better!  There is no need to reflect and process anything.  Your session can be made as part of your day. Many have sessions in their lunch break and then continue straight into their afternoons work.  Afterwards you will have less in your ‘stress bucket’ and feel more energised you will naturally start to put those things discussed during session into practice.

 4: You need to take some time off to make it happen

 Something I hear often is “I don’t have time at the moment’. “I will come back when life is less busy”

 Why would you put something off that is going to make your life so much easier to deal with now?  Why is it not part of yourself self care routine?  Why wait for more stuff to fill up your stress bucket before booking in.

 6: Therapy is for weak people

 Perhaps the most prevalent myth surrounding therapy is the notion that seeking professional help indicates weakness or personal flaw. It's a common experience to face challenging times; it's an inherent part of life, and we need not navigate it alone.

 However, at times, we attempt to do just that, fearing judgment from others or questioning our own self-image if we opt for a different path. The reality is that seeking therapy doesn't signify an inability to resolve one's problems. On the contrary, it demonstrates initiative and empowerment by actively addressing areas of life with the guidance of a professional & with solution focused work you will be navigated to find your own solutions to move forward.  In essence, this choice embodies strength rather than weakness, wouldn't you agree?

 7: Therapists have ready solutions for your problems and will tell you what to do

 There is a common misconception that therapists have all the answers to your problems, and we will simply instruct you on what to do. In solution focused work I will help guide you to find your own solutions which ensures that you meet your own specific needs and goals


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